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The Society of Army Physician Assistants extends heartfelt congratulations to our esteemed Army Director, Bill Soliz, on his presidential...

Posted by Tim Jayne in News | 4 comments

If you were a member of PA Classes #9 and #10 (Army/Air Force Classes) at Sheppard Air Force Base, Cesar Texidor wants to have a reunion at the...

Posted by Pauline Gross in News

SAPA Members please share this great opportunity! The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is providing scholarship opportunities for military...

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Greetings SAPA constituents, The results of the recent election for the SAPA Board of Directors have been tabulated. Please join me in...

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“From the Line . . . for the Line.” We dedicate this handbook to past Physician Assistants who forged the path that shaped our current environment....

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