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Posted 2 months ago in AAPA

Dear SAPA Constituents, 

AAPA provided the following message to SAPA Leaders to garner support for "pushing back" on the AMA's continued "scope creep" campaign which is harmful and unjust to PAs. The SAPA Board of Directors voted this evening to support this call from AAPA and we ask that you consider supporting the issue as well. Please review the message below and if you choose to, follow the links to sign the proposed letter (deadline August 23) and complete the survey (deadline August 28). 

//////////////// Message from AAPA //////////////////

As you may know, AAPA recently took a bold step by sending a letter to the AMA challenging their unjust and harmful attacks on PAs. This action is just the beginning of our efforts to put an end to the "scope creep" campaign that threatens our profession and, by extension, patient care.

We are reaching out to ask for your support in pushing this effort forward. Your role in mobilizing your membership is vital to ensure that our collective voice is heard loud and clear. Here’s how your organization can help over the next couple weeks and in advance of the August 30thdeadline we imposed on the AMA for a response:

Encourage your members to sign our open letter to the AMA.
We need as many signatures as possible to show that PAs across the country stand united against the AMA’s efforts to hinder our profession. Every signature counts and sends a powerful message. Link to the sign-on letter here. The deadline for signatures is 8/28.

Urge your members to take a brief survey about the impact of the AMA’s campaign.
The “scope creep” campaign isn't just rhetoric; it has real consequences for PAs, patients, and the healthcare system. By sharing their experiences through this survey, your members can help us build a strong case against these divisive tactics and will help to further our advocacy efforts. Link to the survey here. Deadline for responses 8/23.

Together, we can advance our profession and continue to prioritize the needs of patients across the country. If you have any questions or need additional materials, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,


Brian Dautch, MA/JD (he/him/his)

Director, Constituent Organization Outreach and Advocacy


P:  571-319-4436


 //////////////// end of AAPA message ////////////////////

Thank you,

SAPA Board of Directors