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CALL FOR NOMINATIONS - SAPA Leadership Positions

Posted over 1 year ago in Elections

Greetings SAPA Members

As the year rapidly progresses, It is time to start looking for candidates for the Society of Army PAs Board of Directors. These are the people who will continue to lead the organization in the next year.  

There have been a lot of changes to SAPA in order to make this a better organization.  We have moved our yearly conference from Fayetteville NC to San Antonio, TX, we are developing an online marketplace, and we have begun CMEs on demand. 

To go with this, we need strong and dedicated leadership. We have had that in our current President, Scott Festa, our President-Elect, Tim Jayne, and our Immediate Past President, Sharon Rosser. 

It is now time for self-nominations for the 2023-2024 elections. We need candidates for President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Directors for Active Duty, Reserve Component, National Guard, Retired, Federal Services Component, and Civilian Component. 

Please consider self-nomination and general nominations.  This is for all even if you have served on the board in the past, please join us in the future. Please put some of your knowledge and experience back into the organization.

Scott Festa

SAPA President

SAPA Elections 2023 Flyer

2023 - 2024 SAPA Elections Page

Nominations are being accepted between now and June 1, 2023 - but don't wait! Submit your self-declaration or nomination using our contact page category "SAPA Elections 2023-24 Questions or Self-Nominations."   

Please take a moment to consider a leadership role and “Help SAPA Grow into the Future”.

The term of office will be from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. Criteria for all Officer and Board of Director positions are:   

  • President-elect must a current SAPA and AAPA member, and list SAPA as their constituent AAPA chapter 
  • Secretary must a current SAPA and AAPA member, and list SAPA as their constituent AAPA chapter 
  • The treasurer must a current SAPA and AAPA member, and list SAPA as their constituent AAPA chapter 
  • Active Duty Director must be a current SAPA and AAPA member, list SAPA as their constituent AAPA chapter, and must be an Active Duty PA (65D) in the Army
  • National Guard Director must be a current SAPA and AAPA member, list SAPA as their constituent AAPA chapter, and must be an Army National Guard US Army PA (65D)
  • Reserve Component Director must be a current SAPA and AAPA member, list SAPA as their constituent AAPA chapter, and must be a US Army Reserve PA (65D)
  • The retired Director must be a current SAPA and AAPA member, list SAPA as their constituent AAPA chapter, and must be a Retired Army physician assistant, from any of the components
  • Federal Services Director must be a current SAPA and AAPA member, list SAPA as their constituent AAPA chapter, and must be an active or retired member of one of the additional federal services, who is not an army member. This includes VA, Air Force, Navy, DOD civilian, PHS, State Department, CIA, or any additional federally employed PAs not listed.
  • Civilian Director must be a current SAPA and AAPA member, list SAPA as their constituent AAPA chapter, and must meet the criteria of they are not a military-employed PA or retired military PA, but a PA who has an interest in the organization and would like to assist in its operations and future

Appointed Positions: (Volunteers welcome, must be appointed by the SAPA President, indefinite term)

 We are looking to expand our number of volunteers working together to manage our membership, social media, information technology, and diversity, equity, and inclusion focus areas.  If you have a passion for these areas and would like to be a director or committee member, please let us know! 

  • Membership Director / Committee Member
    Manages SAPA membership directory including duties such as: notifying members when the yearly dues are payable, collecting and turning over the dues of the Treasurer, rendering a receipt of payment to the members, maintaining a current accurate membership roster, and communicating with the Academy as necessary to ensure accurate membership accountability as provided in the Academy bylaws.
  • Social Media Director /  Committee Member
    Manages SAPA's social media presence on various platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other means of social media
  • Information Technology Director / Committee Member
    Manages SAPA’s website

Thank you for your time and please consider these positions and put your name in the hat for any of these that you feel you would be able to successfully perform for the organization.